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By: Tom Baldyga
I finished my yearlong Cisco Networking Academy program in June of 2000. This coursework in computer networking was to provide me with the Bonafide credentials of Cisco CCNA certification. Not only was that year of study demanding but I was terrified of the Cisco CCNA exam. I really was poor at math and when it came to figuring out subnets without a calculator I was doomed. Those bullets I was sweating finally provided the necessary inspiration to pray. Miraculously the Lord answered and gave me the inspiration to write the following table. Please understand I can do basic math, but this was totally out of character. Memorizing this table helped me with the subnetting portion of the exam. While it is obsolete to a degree, I am posting it as a memorial to Christ answered prayer. There is an error in it that did not seem to affect my calculations at the time. If someone can determine where that is, please send me a note. Please realize that this table goes off the page to the left and the right depending on what you are solving for. Hosts to the left and subnets to the right. Please find the link to the “Subnetting Made Easy” table here: Subnetting Made Easy
Always in Jesus,